Academic Partner Project Brief
Overview of the 1 page brief requested from Academic Partners interested in joining CAARN.
Overview of the 1 page brief requested from Academic Partners interested in joining CAARN.
Application for potential Community Partners to complete to be considered for participation on a project.
To help community partners estimate costs related to research project implementation with UW investigators
File: Community-Partner-Budget-template_new-02.22.21.xlsxTo by used by CAARN & academic partners to present a project/intervention to a possible purveyor for consideration.
Table to be maintained from onset of project to identify copyright.
File: Copyright-Materials.IP-Chart_11.22.19.docxBrief overview of IP Process
An agreement for all partners to read, understand, and sign.
To prioritize projects
This form helps CAARN and its network partners understand your needs, plans, and background related to your proposed research. It will serve as the foundation for a follow-up discussion with you (and your research team as appropriate) to help you think through the community engagement aspects of your study that are best for you and the community with which you wish to work.
Clarifies the ‘asks’ of collaborators and community partners, by determining what specific deliverables they will provide to the proposed or funded study.
File: Scope-of-Work-template-1.docx