CAARN is made possible through its community and academic network partners.
Community Networks
Community network partners are responsible for selecting research projects that matter to their communities and providing input on the research project from design to dissemination. Each community network partner has both a member serving on CAARN’s Executive Committee, as well as a Community Research Associate (CRA). CRAs work closely with network partners to facilitate outreach and community engagement, which provide opportunities for academic partners (UW investigators) to listen and learn about the communities they seek to serve with their research in research and ensure that community voices and are met at all stages of research.
African American Health Network (AAHN) of Dane County
A non-profit organization whose mission is to foster networking among African American health professionals and community health advocates and promote health education, healthy lifestyles, self-advocacy, empowerment, and well-being among African Americans in Dane County. The AAHN has strong ties with multiple African American faith-based and other organizations in Madison.
UW Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships (CCE)
Established in Milwaukee in 2017, CCE aims to ensure that UW-Madison can successfully engage African American communities in research and service opportunities to reduce health disparities. CCE and its Community Advisory Board (CAB) provide population relevant oversight, management, and consultation for UW projects that desire to work with Milwaukee and southeast WI communities. The Center connects investigators, faculty and staff with community partners and develops relationships with community gatekeepers and leaders. It serves as a mentor for SMPH faculty and staff, assisting them with building effective, positive and lasting relationships with the community. CCE collaborates with churches, senior housing complexes, and the County Office on Aging.
MetaStar, Inc.
A non-profit healthcare quality improvement organization that works with communities, providers, and insurers to address the need for system-wide innovation and evidence-based approaches across health care settings.
Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging (WIHA)
A non-profit organization based in Madison, Wisconsin that works with community organizations throughout Wisconsin’s Aging Network. WIHA’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of older adults in Wisconsin by administering high-level evidence-based health promotion programs and building partnerships to spread healthy aging programs that help older people live longer, and live better.
Academic Networks
Academic network partners provide funding support to CAARN and help to find UW investigators to lead community-engaged research.
School of Medicine and Public Health
School of Nursing
College of Engineering
School of Pharmacy
School of Education
We also thank the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education for their funding.