Specific to working with CAARN
Partnership Development
Research Intake Form This form helps CAARN and its network partners understand your needs, plans, and background related to your proposed research. It will serve as the foundation for a follow-up discussion with you (and your research team as appropriate) to help you think through your approach to community engagement and partnership and recruitment and retention for your study that are best for you and the community with which you wish to work.
Scope of Work Template Clarifies the ‘asks’ of collaborators and community partners, by determining what specific deliverables they will provide to the proposed or funded study.
Project-to-Practice Pipeline Timeline Shows an overview of the steps a project goes through from conception to widespread dissemination.
Network Partners These partners are responsible for selecting research projects that matter to their communities and for providing input on the research project from design to dissemination.
Flowchart for Partnership Shows a broad overview of how a partnership may be formed by either the academic partner or the community partner.
Academic + CAARN Agreement An outline of roles and responsibilities for the Academic Partner and CAARN.
What to Expect as a Community Partner An overview of Community Partner expectations.
Community Partner Budget Template To help community partners estimate costs related to research project implementation with UW investigators.
Delphi Report CAARN used a Delphi research method to identify key elements to CAARN as a network.
Intellectual Property Guides (for Research Dissemination)
IP Table This copyright table should be completed from the start of the project to track contributions and funding to the project. This will help make the IP Process go smoothly.
IP Process Overview An overview of the intellectual properties process to identify who owns intellectual properties on the project. Although this process does not take place until just before dissemination, it is important to keep in mind through the duration of the project.
Consort Checklist The Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Checklist provides guidelines for reporting on randomized controlled trials to ensure transparency and reproducibility.
Guidelines for Authorship Requirements for who should be considered an author on the resulting project material.
Just Research Is a program for researchers and research staff to learn skills to promote research equity and diversity in study participation, created from a decade of experience with community engagement and inclusive research practices. Just Research is a partnership between the Collaborative Center for Health Equity (CCHE) and the Milwaukee-based Center for Community Engagement and Health Partnerships (CCE).
Specific to working with CAARN
Partnership Development
Project-to-Practice Pipeline Timeline Shows an overview of the steps a project goes through from conception to widespread dissemination.
Academic + CAARN Agreement An outline of roles and responsibilities for the Academic Partner and CAARN, which will be edited by the team and signed prior to grant submission for the project.
What to Expect as a Community Partner An overview of Community Partner expectations.
Network Partners These partners are responsible for selecting research projects that matter to their communities and for providing input on the research project from design to dissemination.
Flowchart for Partnership Shows a broad overview of how a partnership may be formed by either the academic partner or the community partner.
Community Partner Budget Template To help community partners estimate costs related to research project implementation with UW investigators.
Delphi Report CAARN used a Delphi research method to identify key elements to CAARN as a network.
Intellectual Property Guides (for Dissemination Research)
IP Table This copyright table should be completed from the start of the project to track contributions and funding to the project. This will help make the IP Process go smoothly.
IP Process Overview An overview of the intellectual properties process to identify who owns intellectual properties on the project. Although this process does not take place until just before dissemination, it is important to keep in mind through the duration of the project.
Guidelines for Authorship Requirements for who should be considered an author on the resulting project material.
CIRTification Training– a free, web-based human research protections training program tailored specifically to the needs and roles of community research partners.
CITI Training for UW Personnel A high quality, peer-reviewed, web-based educational course in research, ethics, and responsible conduct of research which is required by the IRB.
CITI Training for non-UW Personnel This version of CITI training does not require a UW netID and thus, may be more appropriate for community partners.